Monday, August 27, 2018

My Sweet Friend Charlotte..

I was scrolling through my FaceBook friend list last night.  A few people have added me in the past few months to market to me..not be friends.  While I wish them well..I'm not buying right now. I'm just not.  As I was scrolling through to see who I could delete one name caught my eye...My friend Charlotte..who I have never actually met in person..we were just virtual friends.  But we shared a love of sewing and she actually works at the same place as one of my aunts.  I realized when I saw her name that I hadn't seen any posts from her a very long time.  FaceBook is always messing things up..its not surprising...but I clicked on her picture intending to leave her a message and was hit right in the heart with a Rememberance my sweet friend..who had gone through some pretty tough times.  We talked a few times about her terrible bad divorce.  Her ex-husband did everything in his power to turn her kids against her, wouldn't let her have her pets, kicked her out of their home and just generally turned her world upside down and sideways.  All the while it was an affair on his part that make everything so sour...but he was bitter and angry and out to make her life a living hell. We would talk about how she was going to be okay, that she seemed to be a very strong woman and would land on her feet in no time.  We chatted off and on for over a year.  She seemed to be doing well..she had started to date, it didn't work out for her.  She started eating better, taking care of herself, and her sick mom...she really was doing well.  So well in fact that her daughter moved in with her and brought her dog.  She was so happy!  It was great to see things tilt back for her.  Then for some reason..we stopped talking..I would pop in every now and then and say Hello...but it wasn't like it was.  And I guess its been over six months since we last said hi.  My sweet friend Charlotte committed suicide.   I can't begin to know her heart.  I have no clue how or why...all I know is that my world has held her memory very gently today..she will forever be brokenhearted.  But I hope somewhere she finds the Peace she was looking for..   God Speed Sweet Charlotte.

People...if you have a friend who is depressed and going through a hard time..please check on them often.  Depression is a terrible state of mind and once you fall down that cavern and can not see the all seems so hopeless.  I have been depressed a time or two..I think we all have.  I can't begin to know what that kind of despair would be like that you felt the world would be better off without you.  I just want to say you were a bright spot for me Charlotte in the short time our paths crossed.  I am so very sorry for the path you felt you had to take.   God Love you and keep you my sweet friend. 

