Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful day filled with lots of Love & turkey!  Get out there and make some memories!  My kids & my Sis in Law enjoying the day!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stashing It Up!

I've been making scrap quilts.  I have been sort of following the Stash Report at

I'm not a math person and I have no idea how to calculate what I use but I have made a commitment to myself to use up what I have and buy the least amount as possible.  Now ~ you know there are just some times when I just don't have what I need.  But I try and keep the purchase at a minimum.

 Reason being...I kept running out of room to store my "Important Stuff"! I went from tote boxes to a full blown Sewing ROOM!  I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE ALL THIS CAME FROM..but I have been quilting off & on for over 20 years.  A little here and a little there add up to this mess.  I don't want to be a collector of fabric and gadgets ~ I want to be a Quilt Maker.  My goal is to use up as much as I can before my kids have to ever think about dealing with what to do with it all.  I'm going to make a quilt for me using one 2.5 inch square from every piece of fabric in my stash.  Here's my start..

 I am also going to be going through my quilt know ~ all the things I HAD to have to make me the best most accurate Quilter on the Planet. =)  MOST of that wonderful stuff is gathering dust and I need to figure out if I really need them or if I can pass them on to someone else who will use them and Love them.  I will be doing give aways or selling them..I haven't decided yet.  Hope I get a following enough to do that at some point.  Anyway..if your reading this ~ Thanks for stopping by! Please leave me a comment so I know I'm not just cyber chatting to myself... =)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Quilting Quilting Quilting...

Just when I think I'm not getting much Quilting done...I go back to my pictures and look at what I've accomplished.  I think I'm getting there.  I'm definitely Obsessed!  But I can't think of anything better to be Obsessed about.  I am a huge Bonnie Hunter fan and have challenged myself to make as many of her quilts as I possibly can. I'm starting with her Scraps & ShirtTales  book...
Smith Mountain Morning

Sea Glass Quilt

Bonnie Hunter's Denim Rails

Totoro..Original design

Bonnie Hunter's Virginia Bound

Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street

Road To Oklahoma

4:45pm to Paris

Pink & Black Strings

Orange & Black Baby Quilt

Oklahoma State

Square In A Square using Jodi Barrows Ruler

Hexagon Mini

King Zombie
when I first saw this quilt I laughed for days!  

Cactus Punch

Big Block Scrap

Big Jack

Turkey Trot.  
Playing with Dresden Ruler

PinWheels in My Garden

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Follow Me on Pinterest

I am way too addicted but I do actually try whatever tickles my fancy.  I LOVE Pinterest!